The Mohsun Salim Mosque in Bina Settlement of the Khazar District
Built at the beginning of the 19th century for the money of a local mine owner, Mohsun Salim Mosque in Bina Settlement had fallen into disrepair, as no repair or improvement works had been done for long years. In 1918, a gun fired by Armenian dashnaks made a hole in the Mosque’s dome and caused cracks. After the citizens’ appeal, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva visited the place to see the Mosque’s condition and, on the Foundation’s initiative, restoration works started at the Mosque. On June 15, 2006, President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited the Mosque and familiarized themselves with the progress of works being carried out there.
The Mosque has been essentially repaired. A new building with a 100-person lounge, ablution rooms, separate cells for men and women, a consultation room for ministers of religion, an uninterrupted water supply, and a kitchen has been built in the Mosque’s yard and provided with the necessary equipment.
The Mosque has been entered on the list of monuments protected by the state.