Chapter IV. Rights of Citizens and Religious Associations on Religious Freedom

Article 21. Religious rites and rituals

Religious organizations have the right to patronize, maintain and use places of worship and shrines.

Subject to the requirements of Article 1 of this Law and with the exception of the cases specified in Article 6-1, religious services, rites and ceremonies are freely performed in shrines, places of worship and burial, premises of religious organizations, apartments and houses of citizens.

With the exception of cases provided for by part four of this article, religious cults, rites and ceremonies are performed only by citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who have received religious education abroad may be allowed to perform Islamic rites and ceremonies by the Caucasus Muslim Board in agreement with the relevant executive authority.

Religious services, rituals and ceremonies may be performed by a foreign religious figure or a stateless religious figure invited by a religious center (department) operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan or who is on an official visit in the Republic of Azerbaijan

The command of a military unit has no right to prevent military personnel from conducting divine services in their free time, with the exception of cases of hostilities, combat duty, guard and garrison service and military exercises. The activity of religious figures in military units is allowed with the consent of the command of the military unit.

Divine services in medical and social service institutions, dormitories, prisons and penitentiary institutions are held at the request of the persons in these institutions. These bodies facilitate the invitation of clergy and participate in determining the time and other conditions of religious worship, rites or ceremonies.

Religious organizations may apply to medical and social care institutions, dormitories, prisons and penitentiary institutions to organize worship services.

It is prohibited to hang religious slogans and other religious paraphernalia (with the exception of religious paraphernalia worn by a person) in public places outside places of worship and shrines. Religious flags may only be displayed in closed areas of places of worship and shrines, religious centers and offices.

Article 22. Religious literature (on paper and electronic media), audio and video materials, goods and products and other information materials of religious content

Citizens and religious organizations may acquire and use religious literature (on paper and electronic media), audio and video materials, goods and products, other religious information materials marked with a control mark issued by the relevant executive authority in any language.

Religious organizations and other non-religious legal entities and individuals may produce, import, export religious literature (on paper and electronic media), audio and video materials, goods and products and other information materials of a religious nature with the consent of the relevant executive authority, as well as they can be freely distributed after being marked with a check mark.

The sale of religious literature (on paper and electronic media), audio and video materials, goods and other materials of religious information marked with a control mark is carried out only through specialized outlets created with the consent of the relevant executive authority.

The form, rules for registration, use and issuance of the control mark, as well as the amount of the fee for obtaining the control mark are determined by the relevant executive authority.

Funds paid for the acquisition of control stamps are transferred to the state budget. The procedure for controlling the flow of these funds to the state budget and keeping records is established by the relevant executive authority.

The relevant executive authority ensures the production of control stamps.

Article 23. Charitable and cultural-enlightening activity of religious associations

Religious associations shall carry out their cultural-enlightening and charitable activities independently and through self-established funds, as well as by means of public funds.

Article 24. International relations and communication of believers and religious associations

Citizens and religious associations have the right to take part in international religious events, religious liturgies held abroad both in groups or individually and visit places of pilgrimage. Sending citizens abroad for religious education institutions and exchange of religious figures is implemented by religious centers or departments being coordinated with corresponding executive power body.